What does it take to leave a forum?

June 11, 2009

I am proud to be a member of http://www.my-pipes.net – a grand, if not folksy online pipe forum.

It was started a few years ago from some folks that wanted something more from traditional pipe sites. What we have become is an extremely tolerant, self moderating site with members from all over the globe consisting of both men and women and people of all denominations.

The site offers insight, knowledge sharing and more than it’s share of humor.

We have had some long time, upstanding members leave our site over posts on religion and politics, and to be quite frank, they are sorely missed.

So I thought to myself, what does it take personally to get me to leave a forum that I’ve contributed to regularly and am considered ‘one of the crew’?

Maybe I’m extremely tough skinned, but I see each member as unique, and as long as they don’t intentionally attack other members, or post hurtful content, then I go with the flow and respect their rights to their opinions whether I agree or not.

Some folks follow some untraditional beliefs and values, but who am I to even make that determination? It’s my opinion. These folks have joined the site to share their love of pipes, tobacco and sometimes the comraderie of the forum.

Am I too shallow? Should I give enough of a shit on certain things to walk away if I find a member to be abrasive or making statements that go against my moral fiber? To each his own I guess.

I may be looking at this from the wrong side of moral ethics or allegiance to what I believe in. I certainly respect those that make a stand and decide to walk away. I just find it a shame when folks that I see as good friends walk away.

There – I got that off my chest and thanks for stopping by.

Working through the “blahs”

August 5, 2008

As of late, I just can’t get a pipe to taste right to me.  Maybe its because I have been away from pipes for a while.  Maybe its because my pipes may need a thorough cleaning.  I’m still working through it.

My good buddies at www.my-pipes.com are helping me through it.  The funny thing is, I read their posts and I am starting to get a stir in the ole pipe smoking brain cells.

Who knows, I may be smoldering soon.

I intend to update this blog during the course of the “blah’s” and hopefully, it will be a short trip!

Relaxing with your pipe

March 3, 2008

With todays world moving at 813 miles an hour I personally don’t take “me” time.

I’m up at 4:30am for work and get home around 4:30 to 5:00pm and then its full time kidzone until they are in bed by 8:30. This I don’t mind at all as my time with family is extremely important to me. Then it is time with the wife.

My smoke time is usually a bowl for the am commute which is awesome as it gets me serene and focused for the day.

I then have a bowl for the pm commute which is awesome as well as the 30 min drive gives me time to enjoy a quality smoke and get back to an even keel before I get home from work. Any of the days injustices are exhaled into the serene smoke clouds and all is right again.

Finally, my night bowls, usually 2 bowls around 11:30 or so before hitting the rack. This time is also very healing for me as the house is quiet, I can choose which blend suits my mood for the evening and I can either visit you folks or read. I take this time to putter with my pipes by cleaning them or arranging them in the rotation.

I am peaceful and ready for fitful rest.

I am so glad that I picked up pipe smoking. What else returns you back to who you are in such an enjoyable way?

New acquisitions

March 2, 2008

With me being relatively new to pipe smoking, but around long enough to start making legacy choices as far as pipes are concerned, I wanted to share pics of (3) pipes that I have acquired within the last 2 weeks:

The first one is a Peterson #150 Aran p-lip bulldog. The 2nd pipe is a Stanwell #32 Zebrano bulldog. The 3rd pipe is a Peterson #XL02 Rock of Cashel bent apple.

Being a married father of 5, the resources are not unlimited, therefore I am thankful that I can pick up Petersons and Stanwells for under $70.

Peterson pipes

February 21, 2008

As each pipe smoker develops and enhances his choices in pipes, there are certain types and styles that fits his fancy.

For me, the Peterson pipe caught my eye right off the bat and as I continue to progress in the pipe smoking world the look of the Pete just does it for me.

I peruse my favorite etail site smokingpipes.com and as I look at all the offerings, I keep coming back to the Peterson line.

This week I finally succumbed and ordered my first Peterson. 

Photo to follow shortly.

Lets get things rolling, shall we?

February 21, 2008

I am brand new at this blog thing, but I am relatively new to pipe smoking and am enamored by the pipe smoking community and the beauty of briar in all its grained elegance.

 I will be using this site to journal my growth as a pipe smoker and soon to be pipe crafter.

Stay tuned, this should be fun!